
Pre-Order Using Digital Games as Assessment and Instruction Tools

The pre-release page for my new book has launched on the Solution Tree website. As part of the Solutions for Digital Learner-Centered Classrooms series, Using Digital Games as Assessment and Instruction Tools is a book filled with ideas on finding and incorporating digital games into the learning and assessment process. It is jammed-pack with practical content that a teacher can turn around and use in their classroom the very next day.

posted by: Ryan Schaaf

Using Digital Games as Assessment and Instruction Tools

Click HERE to order!

Combine hard work and deep fun in classrooms with digital game-based learning. Students of the always-on generation gain information through different tools and learn differently than generations before them. Discover how to incorporate digital games and use them to craft engaging, academically applicable classroom activities that address content standards and revitalize learning for both teachers and students.


  • Gain practiced guidance for implementing digital games for the classroom.
  • Consider research and theory that confirm the power of play in childhood development and learning.
  • Explore the positive and negative characteristics of different gaming platforms.
  • Review classifications of games, including the prime educational uses for short- and long-form games.
  • Examine the different types of assessment, how they can factor into digital games, and the roles facilitators and students play with each.